Sunday 8 April 2012

How to paint your opposite writing hand!

Ever get in a pickle when trying to paint the hand that is opposite to your writing hand? Then this SPECIAL

1. Eat

That's right! Eat! If your hand is shaky it might be because you are hungry.

2. Have peace and quiet.

Make sure your surroundings are silent, to avoid a sudden noise, causing you to muck up your nails.

3. Focus!

When doing your tricky hand, focus on the hand and only the hand. Forget about any worries and problems (you can check out how to do so by reading my next post) and focus entirely on the nail painting!


Alternatively, you could get somebody else to do it for you~! :)

1 comment:

  1. ***I would just like to note that the introduction should say 'Then this SPECIAL 3-step blog is for you!'**** Sorry about that! :D
